Friday, August 15, 2008

Hello Jen. Here's Your Ass

Come onnnn....get haaaappy!!!

So. Friday at work I got my ass handed to me by this loan I was working on. A. R. They suck. Never buy one from their corporate office. They do not cooperate with anyone and made the entire process so difficult. Really. I did not like my job at all on Friday because of those A. R. bastards. Thankfully it was not so annoying the thought of changing my career entered my mind.
I worked on a loan last year that was so horrible because the buyer was a psycho freak and I thought about quiting on more than one occasion with that loan. That was the only time I was truly going to quit my job because life is too short to work with people who are completely out of their marbles. And I mean out of their marbles in a bad way - not like "Girl, you're crazy" or "You're out of your freakin mind". I mean this guy lost his shit.

Thankfully his loan died! And I don't have to work with that guy again. As soon as his loan died, I did a happy dance and decided my job was not so bad after all.

The roller coaster continues.........

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