Tuesday, November 3, 2009


By everything - work. motherhood. wife. friend. As much as I can get stressed out I LOVE every minute of it.

Alexis is 5 months old - 4 months gestationaly. She was sort of sleeping through the night but as of two weeks ago she decided she is going to wake up every night around 1:00am and then 3:00am. We get up, change her diaper and stick a passifier in her mouth. For the most part she goes right back to sleep. I have been racking my brain to find an answer as to why this is happening. What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Is she teathing? Is she going through separation anxiety? Is she just waking up because she is a baby? I started reading more books and going online after hearing comments like these made by other parents:

"You don't have your baby on a schedule"? This statement always makes me laugh inside - like we have commited some horrible crime.

No, we do not have a strict schedule. Both her father and I work full time and we would like more than 1 hour with our daughter (who is hilarious) at night. She gets tired around 8:30/9:00 so we go by that. Other wise, no. No real schedule.

My Pea Pod at her first Halloween!

"You need to let her cry it out" "I let my baby cry till she/he throws up"....(obviously exaggerated but this statement was made)

Um, I don't think so. We are going to (hopefully) be blessed with two or three children and I am going to enjoy every minute while they are little and make sure they feel as comforted as possible. This is not to say there will not be any discipline in our house - time outs will be plenty I'm sure. After all, she is the child of Jason and Jennifer Taylor - we are no saints...
But there will be no crying it out in our house.

Sweet Pea Pod and Handsome Daddy Trick or Treating!

Here is my bean letting us know she is mad at that Pumpkin Patch - a little funny and so cute!

Bean is looking at me like, why in the world are you making me pose again? I thought I was going to get ready for bed. And mom, my outfit does not match!

After all of this searching for "the answer" I finally got it. There. is. no. answer. I can stop comparing my parenting style to others, I can stop comparing our child's sleep habits to other children and I can stop feeling like I am missing something.

Beans first spend the night with The Dingo and Grandpa George - what fun they had!

Look at these happy pictures! We are good parents and we love our bean more than life itself. I know I will get knocked off track every once in a while but I think I'm getting the hang of this. It turns out that I don't need to worry about what other parents are doing with their kids. Just focus on my own (and her no absolute answers) and everything will be good to go.

Bean a/k/a Pea Pod a/k/a Alexis in a vegie strainer and Mommy at Halloween with the Lynch's!

Pumpkin Patch day....who in the world could resist this little face? Not Me!
Life doesn't get better than this.