Thursday, May 22, 2008

Art Class

Last night was my second to last art class until I can find another one in the fall. I am totally bummed it is coming to an end. I love this class so much! There were only 4 of us last night which was pretty cool because I missed the week before and those of us that had missed a class were able to catch up. Three of us needed to catch up on some things so the instructor went around helping each of us. I got a lot out of last nights class - I missed the cross hatching class. Man! Is this hard. I was telling Guy, the instructor, how heavy handed i was and some of the other students said they were as well. Guy was explaining that it takes a lot of practice to use a delicate hand so the cross hatching does not look like large patches. If you get it down it can look really cool but most of my work last night looked like blocks of cross hatching and instead of giving my figures dimension and shape like it should they looked like figures with dents....HA!!

I told Guy I was going to miss being in a class with others because I learned so much from them. My first two classes I compared my work to the other students and it was not until I was comfortable in my third class that I was able to look at other pieces of work and actually learn from them. I noticed that every student looked at the same object in totally different ways. Their view of shadow was completely different than mine which was cool because I could take that point of view and try to apply it to what I was drawing. I love the constant learning.

I am looking forward to the fall when I can find a painting class and add to my collection.......I think I will look for an oils class. I would like to try sculpture and nudes after that.


Charlie said...

Ms Fishstick,

Me thinks we needs pictures of your pictures so we can see.

Sounds like a fun class...I always liked art classes...way back when!

Jen said...

Hi Charlie!!
I will take pictures of what I have drawn and post them this weekend. :)

the class is a lot of fun and I am looking forward to taking more in the future.
