Friday, January 18, 2008

Moving On

It's been quite some time since the last blog but I have not wanted to write about our Miscarriage. We have been dealing with it for a while and I just want to get past it. I had D & C Surgery and all went well. The pre-surgery cocktail they give you is fantastic! Although I cried again as soon as I couldn't feel anything and then I was out. The only thing I remember is a tube being placed in my nose with cold, fresh, clean oxygen..............that was quite nice.

I had my two week post surgery check-up and that went well. The Dr. said we should not get pregnant until I have had two periods because every time you get pregnant you have a 15 to 20 percent chance to miscarry and if we don't wait the chance is grater. I am not mentally prepared to go through this again. It just sucks. Everyone has been so helpful and comforting and we truly appreciate it. Our friends and family have given us shoulders to cry on and space when we needed it. We couldn't be more lucky to have so many great people in our lives.

I am moving on as best as I can. I ran for the first time last Saturday at the river and this turned out to be very emotional. I was going to run three miles as I had not run in a few weeks and i like to start out slowly. I started out relaxed, listening to my music and enjoying the run. About 1/2 way into mile 1 A Cold Play song came on and I started to cry. Not sobbing like when I finished, but I was overwhelmed with sadness. Once I got myself together and came up on mile two I hit an incline where it was sun, sun, sunny and I felt great again. I picked up a little speed, basked in the sun and happy thoughts were all I had. I finished the run and felt great. I started to stretch and people watch as I usually do and noticed all of these families. Again, I was overwhelmed with emotion - not the kind you can keep in until you get home but the kind where I could not control myself and I was just crying. I cried all the way to my car, with red eyes and a runny nose. I had so many tears I almost ran into a car...........I ended up crying all of the way to Walmart (which is about a 15 minute drive). Once I talked to Jason I felt better but was a little embarrassed. I hope that does not happen again - the sadness I can handle but the sudden outburst is a little much.

As for this week - everything is going well and I am feeling much better. I am starting to feel "normal" again. Jason and I are going to finish painting the kitchen and 1/2 bath and we have dinner Friday and Sat with friends! I am looking forward to a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this was one of the hardest times you have ever gone through, but even when dealing with such tragedy, your little inner light shines through (in reference to your oxygen description). Love you!