Friday, September 11, 2009


I am so in love with that Alexis Grace its ridiculous! She is getting so big and I just can't keep up. I had full intentions of keeping track of her growth by day, then I thought maybe per week which turned into every month.........and of course I have failed at all of those. Since I started back to work full time I have NO Time for anything. I get up or rather Alexis gets me up, I take her to Emily's house then I'm off to work. I pick Alexis up, hopefully go for a run or to the park, then get home to start Alexis's new routine: Bath, feed, play, sleep. Granted it does not go this smoothly - Bath is always great, Feed is usually great, Play is awesome but sleep.....hhmmm....sometimes sleep doesn't take place for hours. And then I want to sleep! I know, this will happen soon.
I can't wait until one day I will be working part time - then I won't feel like I am missing out on so much. I miss her so much during the day.
This was taken Sept 1st

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