Monday, July 7, 2008

Random Entries

This is Harrison and Heather. Our sister-in-law and nephew. Unfortunately Adam was out of town this week but Harrison and Heather came over to hang out with Jason, his dad, Annie and me back in June. Harrison is a little over year and he is as cute as can be.

He is trying to pat his head and rub his belly at the same time - Uncle Jason is going to be a great influence on him.......

He's hilarious - laughing away.

This has nothing to do with Harrison's visit but I didn't want to make a separate post with 1 piece of art. This is my first piece - its small but the point of this exercise was to get a feel for the brushes and see what happens when you mix the different colors. I don't have the primary colors yet but those will come later. For now I will just use what I have. See that easel? That's the one Leigh gave me.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you meant the painting to look like anything other than geometric patterns, but I see a great abstract representation of a person. There's a round head and straight shoulders. And the person is leaning to the right and holding or picking something up. I like it. You should hang it up! I've been thinking about hanging stuff up in weird places- the back of closets, in the laundry closet, behind doors, in the pantry. You should set up a "gallery" for yourself somewhere in the house where you can see your work and not worry about the room design. I love love love the pictures and descriptions of what you are decorating in your house. Put more of that up so I can see. Tell Jason I like his painted plastic. The color is nice!

Jen said...

That's what I see too! Allison said she thought it looked like a music note.
I will hang some stuff up when I have more. I was thinking I would use the upstairs bedroom and once I get some primary colors I would like to hang some stuff in the family/kitchen room.
I hope you are having a great beach vacation!

Anonymous said...

I thinks it's perfect! Hang it somewhere that will make you smile everytime you see it. Love, Mom oxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I see the music note too! Good call! I like the colors the best. We all bring a different perspective to art.

I can't wait to see your gallery! You should continue to draw and paint and hang everything up, whether or not you like it or finish it. As a matter of fact, you should talk more about your art on your blog. I'd love to hear more about it. It's kind of like my sewing. I need to communicate more about what I am working on and put more details on my blog. That is what makes it interesting to read. I started my blog -#1 because you had one and seemed to be so successful with yours and -#2 because I wanted to hopefully make a connection with other sewers. I'm sure your blog has been great with your running club because you talk about it so much. But think about sharing your art and your artistic process so you can get positive feedback for it, too. I am very proud of you for pursuing your hobbies and love that you are sharing that side of yourself. Carren, for so long, has been the creative one among us, and she is supremely creative. But, you and I have a little creativity in our pinky fingers! Sometimes we don't share who we fully are, and we are all great people to know! xoxoxo L.