Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The ladies of Nashville Continued.....

Friday night we went to Chris and Jays restaurant German Town Cafe. We were also meeting Charlie, one of Nat's blogger/marathon friends. Charlie is from Virginia and he is super nice! He has a great sense of humor as well. He kept up with the three crazies all during dinner.

So, I just read Charlie's blog and he totally called me FISHSTICK(S)! I laughed out loud!!! haa.haaa!!! Charlie's awesome.

This was my favorite part on Friday - before we sat down for dinner Charlie, Natalie, Chris and I were at the bar enjoying a beverage and chatting. Out of no where this guy (Preston) comes up to Natalie and says "excuse me, but are you Natalie"? Chris and I look at each other with a little fear and sheer amazement. Fear because, Natalie has a following? This is going to go straight to her head. Amazement because, Natalie has a following? This is GREAT! Turns out Preston runs marathons and reads Nat's blog. He hung out with us for about 20 minutes then went back to his table. He's a very nice guy.

Dinner was FABULOUS!!! I highly recommend you go to German Town Cafe if you are in Nashville. The chef is incredible.

After dinner we went home, got ready and went to bed. Well, Chris and Jay were sleeping but not so much me or Nat or her entire family. Except Pookie. I am sure Pookie was sound asleep.
Carmella, Natalie's daughter, ended up throwing up that night at Meme's house. Meme is Nat's sister in law. Carmella was staying with Meme and Pat (meme's husband) while Beau was at Lala's (nats mom) house. Natalie got a call from someone and she sounded worried so I jumped up and said if you need to go home we can. Nat said no, its fine - there is nothing I can do. Carmella got sick but she is sleeping now. For the next however long it lasted Natalie kept receiving phone calls and she would tell them not to call her as she had a race the next morning and Carmella was sleeping. Then she would make a phone call to whoever and at the end of every phone call she would say "don't call me back, I have a race to run in the morning. Call Ryan" Then Ryan called and Natalie said "don't call me I have to get up in 3 hours". Then Nat called Ryan back and said "don't call me I have to get up soon" - then she proceeded to talk to Ryan while entering the room, then leaving the room, then entering, then leaving and again saying "don't call me I have to get up soon". click.

I felt bad for her because I knew she wanted to make sure Carmella was okay but she was also 4 hours away and Carmella was sleeping. I think Carmella sleeping gave her some comfort. At least I hoped it did. But it was hilarious listening to her tell everyone not to call her back.

Race Day to be continued.................

1 comment:

Charlie said...


Okay...What is so funny? I don't get it. I'm sure Natalie introduced you as Fishstick and all her blogs mention you only as Fishstick. During the run I had to ask Nat what your real name was. Is it just a girl thing? Well to me you are Fishstick! :)

It was great to meet you too...uhhh...Fishstick!

Congratulations on your great Half Marathon! You did Awesome!
