Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sparkly Things Make Me Smile

So, this morning I made an appointment with our jeweler - he is so much fun! I rang the bell and they let me in. Matt (the jeweler) greeted me with a smile and we walked into the "lab" area...It's so much fun in that "lab". That is where they make the jewelry and hold the finished products. Anyway, we went into the room where they meet with clients and there are the most beautiful cases filled with rings and necklaces. There was a guy in the room changing the cases and sitting on the table next to him was a tray with these huge rings.
Matt said "Try them on while I drop your rings off to get cleaned" With eyes as big as saucers I say "OKAY"! He starts to laugh because I am staring at them and as he walks out the door he casually says "yeah, those rings are worth $3 - $4 million dollars".........and the door closes. Gulp.

They were the most beautiful rings I have ever seen - I never thought I would be the type of person to really enjoy the beauty of diamonds. Turns out I do.

What a fun morning people!

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