Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Best Thanksgiving Yet

Last week was Thanksgiving. It was the best Thanksgiving yet. Monday was a normal day - I worked on a closing and other than that it was pretty slow because everyone was on holiday mode. Our borrowers were already starting to go out of town along with the brokers and lenders. All in all a relaxing day at work.
Tuesday was another good day at work. Even slower than Monday. I left work at 3:05 for a Dr. Appointment at 4:00. I hit some holiday traffic and for about 10 minutes I cursed the Atlanta drivers. Man, do people who live in Atlanta (you notice I did not write people from Atlanta) do not know how to drive. It was a beautiful sunny day and 1 cop had pulled over 1 car. I am sure for speeding but God forbid people keep moving and ignore what was going on..........People. please get a life or find a hobby and QUIT RUBBERNECKING!!!!!! You are making the rest of us on the highway miserable. I digress..................

I made the appointment with 4 minutes to spare. I signed in and realized I was the last patient. Everyone was in a super good mood because of the holiday. It was nice.
Assistant Pat called me back. I weighed in, she asked me some questions then I sat down so she could take some blood. She pricked my finger and we laughed at everything as usual. (I always laugh there) Pat is awesome.

I went into the exam room and waited for the Dr. Dr. Cook knocked on the door and came in. We went over a few things and we were talking about why I was there. I was there because I have not had my period for a few months and I was getting worried I was not ovulating. We were talking and I told her that my breasts were sore and I had some cramping for about two weeks. She said "have you been taking pregnancy tests"? I said "no, we quit doing that a while ago because I was going to go broke buying so many" (we both laughed)
Then she asked "did Pat test you"? I said "Not that I am aware of but I did not tell Pat about all of my symptoms". She called Pat in and asked her to run a test so we could rule it out for sure. Pat left and after about 5 minutes she came back in holding up a pregnancy test and said "well, there is a reason you are feeling the way you do"! "You're pregnant"!
I screamed and yelled "WHAT"?! Then I teared up for about two seconds then started to laugh. All three of us were very excited and I then I had an out of body experience. I knew they were talking to me and I knew what they were saying but it was like I was watching myself go through all of this. Very Weird and Very Exciting.
I was instantly happy and couldn't wait to tell Jason.

I called Jason when I was done and he asked how the appointment went and I said "oh it was good. Nothing new to report. Same ole stuff - they will get back to me tomorrow". It's a good thing I was on the phone because I was smiling so big I can't believe he did not hear it through the phone! I went straight to Eckerds (now Rite Aid) and purchased a card that was blank on the inside. I went home and taped the pregnancy test to the inside and wrote: Congratulations! You're a daddy! I put it away and waited for Jason to come home. He came home and I could barely hold a straight face. I was going to wait to give him the card but couldn't. I said " here is an early birthday gift" He was excited and said oh thank you. He opened it and stopped breathing for a second then said "Are you Fucking kidding me"?! I said "nope" (with a huge grin on my face) then said (screaming) "I know"! "It's so weird"! "I can't believe it"!!! All he could muster was "it's going to take me a little bit to work through this but I am excited". Then he left the room. About an hour later he was really excited and kissed my stomach. I love that Jason.

We made the phone calls on Wed once we had final confirmation from the blood work. Everyone (that we have told) is so excited. :)

Today I had another Dr. Appointment to make sure my blood count is moving in the correct direction. As of last Tuesday it was 386 and it should double every two days so I guesstimated I will be around 6100-6200 tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed.

P.S. I hope it's a girl.

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