Monday, March 16, 2009

Girl Tot's Room

Here are some web pictures of the things Girl Tot will have in her room:

Here is the Glider she will eat and sleep in. Jason and I tested out several gliders and this one was perfect for us - we both fit in it. That is very important since Jason is 6'2 and I am 5'1. The one in the picture is white but we will have a cream cover and no foot rest.

Here are the sheets that we registered for - light pink and sage green french cute for such a cute girl tot!

Last but not least here is the crib that my mom and Jason's mom purchased for us. This was their grandmother gift and we couldn't be more excited!!!!! It is so beautiful and girl tot will have this bed until she goes away to college so yea again! It looks so comfy, don't you just want to get in it?

In the next couple of months Sarah will come over to paint Horton on the wall! I can't wait to see how that turns out. It will be so Fantastic!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I looovveee the sheets! The roses are so pretty! Did you have a color for the walls, yet? So what is your favorite flavor of ice cream right now? They say that your baby can taste whatever you eat, and she develops and affinity for the flavors she gets. You should totally make Ice Cream Outings a favorite thing to do with T.T. So with keeping with the Taylor Tot tradition, I am submitting my choice for a baby name- Talulah Tinkle Tot (T.T.T.)